UCLF is a membership-based Organization, which depends on its membership capacity to implement activities and also sustain its self. Most the projects implemented by the Secretariat have been funded through membership subscription fees, voluntary giving by members and other member initiatives like the UCLF Civil Litigation Fund and the UCLF Probono Fund. This Department is headed by the Project Officer Membership and Professional Development and is supported by a project Assistant. The Department implements the following Activities.
Membership Obligations and recruitment
The department creates linkage between UCLF and its members through maintaining constant communication with the membership and follow up to ensure that members meet their membership obligations. The department also leads in recruiting and sustaining the current membership. The department timely engages in communicating benefits of membership to members and also ensures that UCLF offers moral support to members in grief or in good time.
UCLF Pastoral visits;
The department coordinates with members to ensure that UCLF visits them either in their offices or homes to pray with them.
UCLF Fellowships
The department coordinates members weekly and end of month fellowships.
Probono Fund
In bid to raise local resources the department is vested with the role of following up with members and non-members to give to the Pro bono Fund.
CLE Programs
UCLF was accredited by the law Council to offer Continuous Legal Education for lawyers; the department therefore coordinates the implementation of this activity.