The Justice House

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The Proposed UCLF Justice House

The Justice House is central to UCLF’s mission of promoting access to justice and respect for human dignity through speaking up, fellowship, mentorship and defending the rights of the vulnerable in Uganda.

It will comprise office space to house at least 40 professional staff and 5 administrative staff; business rooms for income generation leading to self-sustainability; rehabilitation center for the tortured and gender based violence, a conference room and resource center with legal- related literature.

UCLF needs a home and the time is now. We the chosen people to do this are alike the man that carried the vision of building a wall for Jerusalem and took it upon himself knowing the time and season was right. The same should be for us. All UCLF members must own this vision and carry it through knowing that a home is where the heart is but short of which it fails.

Together, Let’s build a home for UCLF!