UCLF President
Much has been said about living and working amid a VUCA world. Indeed, for UCLF, the year 2021 – 2022 has been a strategic and God-guided navigation through the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity that characterized the post-pandemic period.
As President and Chairperson of the Board of Directors, I take this opportunity to thank all members of UCLF for the privilege and opportunity they have accorded to the entire Board of Directors to steer the Fraternity affairs towards achieving our mission and strategic objectives.
As enumerated in this report, we have been able to attain considerable success in the Six Key program areas of UCLF:
- Access to Justice and Legal Aid
- Students Ministry and Resource Center
- Membership and Professional Development
- Child Protection and Juvenile Justice
- Environmental Justice
- Paralegal Advisory Services and Psychosocial Counselling Services.
Through the above platforms, we have been able to carry out community sensitization on basic legal knowledge to over 5000 people, reach out to over 3,905 suspects with the Gospel, and extend various legal services to over 1,380 suspects through the Access to Justice and Legal Aid pillar.
One of our goals for this year was to strengthen various fellowships through the continuous mobilization of members at different levels. Through this endeavor, we have hosted numerous Breakfast meetings with Faculties/Schools of Law Deans, NGOs, and Student Representatives.
These meetings have enabled us to raise resources for the UCLF Students’ resource center project. Perhaps, what has acted as the glue that has kept us together and has also been the fuel that has kept us going, has been our weekly online fellowships that have been graced by various inspiring and gifted guest speakers. From a humble weekly attendance of 10-20 members in the previous years to the current 80 – 120 members, one cannot help but note that the more faithful we devoted ourselves as members to pray, the more we got to witness God’s gracious hand in helping us achieve all the fruit as shared in this report.
As we rightly celebrate our achievements, I hope that we shall also be awakened to a realization of the need to rally together in the fulfillment of various pending projects such as the construction of the Justice House, the UCLF Online Law Library, the setting up of the Resource Center among many others. It is my prayer that the incoming Board will continue to work with the Fraternity in devising methods that would enable UCLF to deal with emergent challenges while taking advantage of the opportunities at hand.
That is the prevailing global socio economic instability; we will address the urgent need to put more emphasis on resource mobilization strategies for the sustainability of the Fraternity Special gratitude goes out to all our invaluable partners, our patron, and numerous volunteers who have faithfully stood with us and supported us through the different seasons of the 2021 2022 year.
I am also cognizant of the fact that my work as UCLF President would not have been possible without the hard work, tenacity, and wholehearted support of the Board, the staff, and associates of UCLF; all of whom have given their time, skills and expertise towards the advancement and sustainability of our organization.
I hope that as we go through the account of what the Board and Management have been able to accomplish with your mandate, we will not help but notice God’s amazing favor upon UCLF and the many more years of abundant fruitfulness ahead of us.
Thank you all
For God and My Country.