15th Biennial Advocates Africa Convocation
Theme: “Positioning the Christian lawyer to thrive through a volatile and for a Volatile, and Ambiguous world”
Venue: Imperial Resort Hotel, Entebbe, Uganda
Date: 26th -30th July, 2023
Concept Note
About UCLF
Uganda Christian Lawyers’ Fraternity (UCLF) is a membership based Non-Governmental Organization founded in 1987 by 12 Christian law students at Makerere University. Its membership has since increased to over 500 members including Advocates, Lawyers, Judges, Institutions and Law Students across the different Universities of Uganda. UCLF has its presence in Kasese, Masaka,Kayunga, Gulu and the head office in Wandegeya at Baptist House.
Through its interventions UCLF seeks justice for all through the provision of legal aid, legal education and research and policy advocacy on behalf of vulnerable people. It also seeks to utilize skills endowed in its members and associates to impact the most vulnerable in society, irrespective of age, gender, religion or ethnicity following a Biblical mandate to defend the rights of the poor and needy.
UCLF’s Visionis for “A world where justice and human dignity are a reality for all.” Our Mission isto share our faith in Christ, promoting access to justice and respect for human dignity through speaking up, fellowship, mentorship and defending the rights of the vulnerable. UCLF’s mission is premised on Proverbs 31:9 ‘Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and the needy.’
UCLF became a member of Advocates Africa; joining the numerous Christian lawyers’ Associations founded to bringing transformation to their countries by doing justice with compassion and upholding biblical principles in the legal fraternity.
About Advocates Africa
Advocates Africa is a network of Christian Lawyers’ Associations linking 43 African Countries. The objectives of Advocates Africa are amongst others to promote and achieve democracy, religious liberty, Good Governance, the Rule of Law, accountability, social justice, economic transformation, conflict resolution, as well as promote and protect Human rights.
Formed in 1998 at the 1st Advocates International Global Convention in the USA, the members of Advocates Africa have since, positively and effectively, influenced the destiny of the nations of Africa through constructive programs that mobilize and empower civil society. They have engaged with people at grass-roots levels to provide, amongst others, legal education and training on issues of democracy; human rights; good governance; and rule of law, while at the same time participating in developing and influencing political and legal systems in both the public and private sectors.
The network holds biennial convocations bringing its members together to learn and interact with the emerging issues in the continent as well as equipping members with necessary skills to solve major societal challenges.
This year, the 15th Biennial Advocates Africa Convocation will be hosted by Uganda Christian Lawyers’ Fraternity (UCLF) in Uganda and shall be organized under the theme “Positioning the Christian lawyer for a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world.”
Over 300 advocates from across the globe are expected to attend and participate in the conference including advocates from Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Ghana, Togo, Mali, Nigeria, UK, USA, Canada, Burundi and Uganda.
UCLF is a nonprofit making organization whose funding comes from small donations directed to specific activities. The Advocates Africa Conference preparation is not one of the activities for which we are funded. We therefore need to raise funds locally to be able to organize a successful event.
Main Objective
The main objective of this 15th Convocation is to equip Lawyers with knowledge and skills necessary to position themselves in this volatile and ambiguous world.
Specific Objectives
- To provide a platform for Christian lawyers to deliberate on issues affecting their faith as well as their work.
- To facilitate knowledge transmission and experience sharing on the advancement of the plight of the indigent person amidst the changing legal dynamics.
- To engage various stakeholders and advocates on how to influence the destiny of their nations through programmes that mobilize and empower the civil society.
- To create awareness about the mission and vision of UCLF and the rising challenges related to provision of legal aid in Uganda.
The Convocation will be majorly interactive so as to allow for open discourse. It will have a Key note address and other presentations followed by panel discussions and plenary on emerging issues and way forward. There will also be a great time for prayer and worship together and a treat to the beautiful Entebbe scenery capped with a galore of traditional arts for entertainment.
Expected Out comes and innovations
- From the Convocation we should envisage an improved and strengthened resolve from the Advocates to stay committed to doing justice with compassion and seeking justice for the indigent person in their communities in spite of the current volatile and ambiguous legal regimes.
- With this commitment from the Advocates, there should be an improvement in the quality of services provided by the Christian lawyers especially those doing legal aid and pro-bono work, and an increase in the number of indigents supported by them, ultimately leading to improved justice for all.
- From the awareness created about the mission and vision of UCLF and the rising challenges with provision of legal aid in Uganda, there should be increase in membership and funding for UCLF.