2 (Two) Concurrent Land Disputes Resolved Out of Court by UCLF Kasese Office.
1st Client: ISEMBALEKA NASON V Kabugho eresi 2nd Client: KABUGHO ERESI V Makoma Robert. UCLF…
The UCLF Mission and Legal Senistization in Namawojjolo on 26th October 2024
On Saturday, 26th October 2024, the Uganda Christian Lawyers’ fraternity team led by Mrs. Dorothy…
LASPNET and ASF Convene Partners’ Coordination Forum in Central Uganda
LASPNET in partnership with Advocats Sans Frontiers (ASF) has convened a Partners’ Coordination Forum in…
UCLF mourns death of Simon Peter Mukhama, former GS of Bible Society of Uganda.
Dear Members, with a heavy heart and great sadness I inform you of the passing…
UCLF Board – A courtesy visit at Bulange Mmengo.
UCLF Board, Past President Edward Sekabanja, Staff of UCLF and some UCLF members had a…
EACJ Judges Commend Ugandan Judiciary for Its Hospitality
The East African Court of Justice has extended its gratitude to the Ugandan Judiciary for…